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PostSubject: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 9:11 pm

i'm going to keep this short, if you guys close down hosties and minigames i would recommend making a TF2 server since it's always populated around the clock
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 9:56 pm

even though some members dont have tf2?
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 10:32 pm

AntiWaldo wrote:
i'm going to keep this short, if you guys close down hosties and minigames i would recommend making a TF2 server since it's always populated around the clock

convenient of you to say AFTER you rage quit the clan.

On another note, I never heard about anyone in the clan playing TF2. There probably are some members that do, but it clearly is not a hot topic.

By the way, no one said anything about shutting down minigames.
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Schwarzer Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:20 am

I play TF2 little more than CS:S. And it seems mods are starting to come out more for it. I think a server on TF2 would be a pretty good idea.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:37 am

if we got rid of css and went to tf2. we would kick all the people out of the clan without tf2 probably cause they would be no use to the clan
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Schwarzer Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 3:20 am

Well im not saying lets quit all the servers and move to TF2, im saying if we got rid of one of the servers and started A server in TF2, it opens the clan up. Also TF2 is 19.99, just don't eat for a week.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:08 pm

Schwarzer Wolf wrote:
Well im not saying lets quit all the servers and move to TF2, im saying if we got rid of one of the servers and started A server in TF2, it opens the clan up. Also TF2 is 19.99, just don't eat for a week.

But, I'll die!

Ontopic : I think a more coordinated way of having new servers is having 1 server for each game. AKA CS:S, Killing Floor, TF2, etc. We don't have to get a server for all of them if we can't manage them due to lack of funding but that would bring the community out more and possibly more people will donate to help.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:29 pm

I Hate almost everything about TF2...I'm just says that so no need to reply.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 2:34 pm

Ontopic: i agree with wolf its only 19.99 and the reason why i see making a tf2 server as a good thing is that, it brings more variety to to the "community" and will help it grow; the only thing we really need for a good TF2 server is !RTD with a cool down time of 120 second and a small event map

Last edited by That Guy on Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:40 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : lululu fail speiling)
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Waffle Bunny

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 8:17 pm

i hate you waldo, i always will.

I have tf2 and i think its a good idea Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 8:20 pm

Waffle Bunny wrote:
i hate you waldo, i always will.

no idea who you are but thanks
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Waffle Bunny

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 8:29 pm

AntiWaldo wrote:
Waffle Bunny wrote:
i hate you waldo, i always will.

no idea who you are but thanks
no problem jerk
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 8:51 pm

Make a hosties mod for tf2?
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Schwarzer Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 9:49 pm

Nah, Hosties wouldn't work since TF2 is mostly Cappin' points, CTF and Attack/Defend. If anything, mods for a TF2 would either be

RTD ( Can be a used by one person until their time is up or death )

VS. Saxton Hale Mod ( everyone against 1 superhuman and overpowered Saxton Hale ( Kinda like the new boss event ))

pretty much that i know of.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 10:00 pm

I don't know why so much thought and pre-planning is already going into this.

We have not even officially decided on whether or not we are going to drop hosties, and assuming we will, the vote and all the talk was concerning a different MOD, not a different game.
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angry vegetable

angry vegetable

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 10:41 pm

not a good idea to have a clan with 2 games. Think about it when you join a clan you do it because you like the game. If you have tf2 and mg server people will only join if they like tf2 and mg if not they will just join a clan that has only mg or whatever mod they want. I suggest only 1 server or if u want 2 the same game.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 11:03 pm

DannyBoy wrote:
I don't know why so much thought and pre-planning is already going into this.

We have not even officially decided on whether or not we are going to drop hosties, and assuming we will, the vote and all the talk was concerning a different MOD, not a different game.

why would you want to make a new server on a game with barely any people on it to start with, espesically when the only ones on them are like 10% of the "community"; sure if you make a new server you will enjoy it for a month at best.

angry vegetable wrote:
not a good idea to have a clan with 2 games. Think about it when you join a clan you do it because you like the game. If you have tf2 and mg server people will only join if they like tf2 and mg if not they will just join a clan that has only mg or whatever mod they want. I suggest only 1 server or if u want 2 the same game.

my point is that making a server on a different game just opens up the community to more people that may or may not join, it also makes the "community" more diverse which is a good thing
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Waffle Bunny

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 10:25 am

why don't they just close the hosties and make a zombie server or a pub?
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J Wall

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 1:36 pm

I swear you're all just clueless about server costs & how communities work.

1. TH is paying $27 for each server, I can pay that much for a 48 slot.
2. Moving all the way to a new game, what are you going to do? Kick everyone out who doesn't have TF2?
3. As far as I'm aware didn't you rage quit again AntiWaldo?
4. "It's only $19.99" is a horrible excuse, you pay $19.99 per person to get TF2 & then it'll be a good idea.
5. There are plenty of clans/communities with servers on more than one game.
6. As was said, the idea was to change mod - not the entire game.
7. If you want things to change - donate, you might make a difference.
8. Getting rid of Hosties - in a clan that was built around it.
9. The issue isn't the mod or game, it's getting people to actually play. You all can say how no one plays & the servers are always empty - but you don't help that, you're never in the servers either. So button your mouth & don't be so hypocritical. As far as I'm concerned if you aren't going to play often - no admin for you.
10. I may not be TH, but I sure as hell know a lot more than most of you about what the fuck you're doing wrong. Plus besides that, I am actually still helping TH in a few ways even while I have no business doing so.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 1:59 pm

I completely agree with JWall, I too have left the clan and it's pretty much dead.

If you get rid of Hosties, you are pretty much admitting that The Horde cannot be saved. This clan was built around of it (some new members probably don't even know or have ever heard of Hostie Horde, the best clan of it's kind when it was around)

The servers are dead and if you think paying for another game's server is gonna solve the problem you have the IQ of a blue-arsed fly.

Acetech's money is being wasted on the servers, yet he never plays himself? Some leader hey?

You are paying for a domain when nobody plays the servers? Another waste of money.

As soon as Hostie Horde expanded to The Horde, it was doomed. It should have stayed HH and you would still have most of the members that have left.

To conclude, The Horde is a giant waste of money as nobody plays and you have 2 servers, a domain name and want to purchase another server.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 2:37 pm

I agree completely with Walshyy. I think the TH should get rid of the servers and maybe try another mod / game. I liked HH alot more :[
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Schwarzer Wolf

Schwarzer Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 2:54 pm

What game would be good then?

CS:S of course is not on the list.

Killing Floor i may not know alot about, but i heard its dying out slowly.

TF2 is still on the rise steadly.

CoD:MW2/Black Ops still has fanfags.

Why not get a unique game that is online and yet still has a good ammount of players.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 5:31 pm

i agree with j wall. but still wolf some people dont have the other games we would just kick everyone out of it and i agree with walshy how its not just the servers fault that the servers is empty its ares fornot playing on it. people just dont join a server with noone in it but if we all played people would join and i think even if we change or mod or anything it wouldnt make a diffrence none of us would play on it.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 6:52 pm

waffles wrote:
i agree with j wall. but still wolf some people dont have the other games we would just kick everyone out of it and i agree with walshy how its not just the servers fault that the servers is empty its ares fornot playing on it. people just dont join a server with noone in it but if we all played people would join and i think even if we change or mod or anything it wouldnt make a diffrence none of us would play on it.


Ok, honestly, I joined the clan what, about 6-7 months ago, and back when I joined the hosties AND minigames servers were both populated, without the need for members to go and start up the server. People played because they wanted to, and the clan was expanding all the time, so lets stop with this bullshit about how we need 10 members to always be in the hosties server to ensure people playing.

Of course after the update all servers got significantly less popular, due to the simple fact that a lot of people quit CS:S.

However, with the update, hosties slowly but surely died, as our server was one of the only active hosties servers.

Now on the other hand, the minigames server still has hope, we just need to work on it a bit. Some change in the maps list is desperately needed, both adding new maps and removing broken ones, as there are a few. I think the main reason our minigames server isn't always populated is strictly due to the fact that we have a few maps (pushcircle, smee_tower and smash cannonsz) that are the only ones being played.

Everyone is acting like we have to make drastic changes to the servers, but really, I think simply picking a new mod to replace hosties, and touching up the minigames server is all we need to do.

Offtopic: I love how the people criticizing the clan most are the ones that are no longer a part of it, and if you claim to still care about the clan, then maybe do something other then pick at the faults and be a part of the solution.
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:09 pm

DannyBoy wrote:
waffles wrote:
i agree with j wall. but still wolf some people dont have the other games we would just kick everyone out of it and i agree with walshy how its not just the servers fault that the servers is empty its ares fornot playing on it. people just dont join a server with noone in it but if we all played people would join and i think even if we change or mod or anything it wouldnt make a diffrence none of us would play on it.


Ok, honestly, I joined the clan what, about 6-7 months ago, and back when I joined the hosties AND minigames servers were both populated, without the need for members to go and start up the server. People played because they wanted to, and the clan was expanding all the time, so lets stop with this bullshit about how we need 10 members to always be in the hosties server to ensure people playing.

Of course after the update all servers got significantly less popular, due to the simple fact that a lot of people quit CS:S.

However, with the update, hosties slowly but surely died, as our server was one of the only active hosties servers.

Now on the other hand, the minigames server still has hope, we just need to work on it a bit. Some change in the maps list is desperately needed, both adding new maps and removing broken ones, as there are a few. I think the main reason our minigames server isn't always populated is strictly due to the fact that we have a few maps (pushcircle, smee_tower and smash cannonsz) that are the only ones being played.

Everyone is acting like we have to make drastic changes to the servers, but really, I think simply picking a new mod to replace hosties, and touching up the minigames server is all we need to do.

Offtopic: I love how the people criticizing the clan most are the ones that are no longer a part of it, and if you claim to still care about the clan, then maybe do something other then pick at the faults and be a part of the solution.
did i say we need 10 members in the clan to be playing?? no i did not. i said people do not join the server if theres 0 people in the fucking server . if we have atleast 3 people in the hostie server people will come in and join and IF they like it they will come back but they will not join if the server is empty. but i do agree on the update part
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PostSubject: Re: Team Fortress 2   Team Fortress 2 I_icon_minitime

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