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 The Horde Hostie "Rules"

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PostSubject: The Horde Hostie "Rules"    The Horde Hostie "Rules"  I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 11:17 pm

* * * * * * * * * *

Server Rules for Hosties


1. Obey all admins.
2. Do NOT free kill.
3. Do NOT spam.
4. Do NOT hack.
5. Do NOT glitch (giving yourself advantage over the enemy)
6. Do NOT exploit. (abusing the teleport)
7. NO racial slurs. Period. You will be banned immediately.
8. Terrorists can rebel at any time.
9. No camping for CT's. (exceptions made if someone is giving orders, watching T's, ect...)
10. Watch your language. (joking around is fine)
11. Give Terrorists time to get out of spawn and respond to orders. Do NOT rush in and freekill.
12. CT's may only shoot T's if they are rebelling or not following commands. (warning shots are acceptable to certain extent)
13. CT's must play games with the T's (Simon Says, Chicken Fight, Race, etc...)
14. If you are dead please refrain from talking. It disrupts the game for the players that are not dead.
15. Counter Terrorists must play the "Last Request Games" with Terrorists. Unless one of the Terrorists is a Rebel, then he/she is not entitled to a Last Request.


Extended game rules:

CT's may only give commands that a player can perform. They can not give an order in which you can not fulfill in game.
  • No order has to be followed that will get a T killed.

  • No order has to be followed that will result in a CT getting killed.

  • Only CT's with microphones are allowed to give commands to Terrorists.

  • If there are no living CT's with microphones on the team orders may be typed (no typed simon says).

  • If a CT announces that he/she is Simon you can only follow the rules he/Simon says.

  • Giving a Simon says order makes the person Simon automatically.

  • If a CT says "No Moving". It means you are not allowed to move with your walk keys. You are allowed to use your mouse unless they say "No Rotating". You are not allowed to move again until otherwise stated by the CT's. Jumping is considered moving. (It is more universal this way, rather than using your mouse not counting like we previously had)

  • You may knife any CT's jumping on your head. (All rules given against this should NOT be followed, e.g. "Simon says don't use your knifes" You may still knife CT's that are on your head.)

  • Rebel way is rebel way. If you are found in rebel way you will be shot and killed without warning. CT's are allowed to make exceptions but would depend on the team.

  • CT's are allowed to give orders to T's to control them and keep them in one place from rebelling. (No Simon says during lr.)


Last Request Rules:

If you are a Terrorist and you make it to be one of the last 2 players alive on the T side you will be given a Last Request. To start your "Last Request" you need to type lr.

Here are the list of games and what you do for Last Request.

1. Shot for Shot

The Terrorist selects a player on the Counter Terrorist side that he/she would like to play against. You will go to the designated area on that map for Shot 4 Shot. Each player will go to a side of the area. The Terrorist is allowed to shoot first. Only 1 shot should be fired at a time. Then the T and CT will alternate until one player dies. If the Terrorist wins he/she will be allowed to play another Last Request game.

2. Gun Toss

The Terrorist selects a player on the Counter Terrorist side that he/she would like to play against. You will go to the designated area on that map to do a Gun Toss. The objective of the game is to throw your Deagle farther than your opponent. The Terrorist will go first, then the Counter Terrorist. If the Terrorist losses he will be killed by the CT which beat him/her. If the Terrorist wins he/she is allowed to shoot the CT that lost to him/her. The Terrorist will be allowed to play another Last Request game.

3. Race

The Terrorist selects a player on the Counter Terrorist side that he/she would like to play against. The Terrorist will be responsible for setting up the race. If you are a Terrorist please make the race a fair one. Do NOT abuse this game. The objective of the game is to have a spot in place for the T and CT to race to. Whomever gets there first wins the race and kills their opponent. If the Terrorist wins he/she is allowed to shoot the CT that lost to him/her. The Terrorist will be allowed to play another Last Request game.

4. Chicken Fight

The Terrorist selects a player on the Counter Terrorist side that he/she would like to play against. Once the CT accepts the Last Request the game will start immediately. So be aware. The objective of the game is to jump on top of the opponents head. Whomever gets on the opponents head first wins the game. If the Terrorist losses he will be killed by the CT which beat him/her. If the Terrorist wins he/she is allowed to shoot the CT that lost to him/her. The Terrorist will be allowed to play another Last Request game.

5. Jump Shot

The Terrorist selects a player on the Counter Terrorist side that he/she would like to play against. You will go to the designated area on that map to do a Jump Shot Contest. One person will be on top of a short wall/building while the other is down below. The Terrorist will shoot first. The person on top jumps and has one shot per turn to hit the opposing player while they are in the air. Only 1 shot should be taken on each turn until one player has died. If the Terrorist wins he/she will be allowed to play another Last Request game.

Specific game rules may be changed by the T to an extent.
If there is only 1 CT left, then it is his choice on what to do during the game.
* * * * * * * * * *
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Location : London

The Horde Hostie "Rules"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Horde Hostie "Rules"    The Horde Hostie "Rules"  I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 11:32 pm

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